Computer Science 1

This is my webpage for GITA 1. We
are studying C#. Its my first year of computer
science. It is difficult to learn but its fun.

About Page


In this project, we learned how to work with labels and buttons. We also created our own unique company logo.

Mailing Label


In this project, we learned how to work with textboxes. We used this to create a mailing label from user inputs.

Car Rental


In this project, we learned to make a program that helps calculate the amount of money a car rental charges its customers. I also learned to use variables.

Bmi Calculator


In this project, we learned how to make a program that calculates a user's bmi by using height and weight.

Car Rental Upgrade


In this project, we upgraded car rental by adding more features.

Triangle Checker


In this project, we used some math. The user can input any 3 numbers, and the program will check it and tell you what type it is.

Craps Game


In this project, we used dice to roll random numbers. The game is based off the crabs game at Vegas.

Slots Machine


In this project, we made a slot machine. You pull a handle and it randomizes the three slots.

Robotics - Over Under


In this project, we made a project the calculates the scores. This project was very difficult.

Incremental Game


In this project, we learned how to put music into our games. This is like a cookie clicker.

Spooky Staircase


In this project, we learned how to use arrays.

Ai Chase


In this project, we learned how to use ai in our games. The enemy follows you and you have to shoot him.

2D Subarmine


In this project, we learned how to use a 2d array.

Fishing Simulator


In this project, we made a simulated game with a fisherman and 20 fishes.

Tic Tac Toe


In this project, we made tic tac toe.

Math Menu


In this project, we made a calculator like app. Theres a section for basic and advanced math.

Bee Simulator


In this project, we made a game like bee simulator from roblox. We learned to use array lists.